The ketogenic diet popular in our time has spread relatively recently, but has been quickly gained by almost anyone looking to lose weight. One low-carb diet has garnered a lot of controversy and speculation around him, but his adherents have proven to be much more. Doubts about the lack of health damage among dieters lead to a total or almost complete rejection of carbohydrates, especially fast ones.
The essence of the keto diet
This is based on the rapid and elimination of many complex carbohydrates, especially fat. The scheme for using BJU in this diet is 20-75-5. Our body is able to adapt to everything, so by rejecting saccharides, it triggers what is called ketosis: a special condition in which the brain stops absorbing the energy of carbohydrates and begins to use the fat it already has to maintain a normal life. This is helped by the liver, which converts fatty acids into ketones. Ketones, on the other hand, are "burned" by the body completely, without residues. Despite the apparent stress of the keto diet, it is very gentle on the moral plane, making it different from many other low carb diets as it will not cause hunger, such as in mono-diets.
Types of keto diets
We described above thestandardketo regimen, which contains 20% protein, 5% carbohydrate, and 75% fat in DV. But there are others besides that, you still have to choose the one that is convenient for you:
Cyclic:Called cyclic because most of the time it severely limits your carb intake, but uses carbs 2 days a week to give your body a boost.
Purpose:Suitable for those who play sports. So an hour before a workout, they eat a certain amount of carbs, which is then burned.
Protein:Very suitable for the overweight. It differs from the usual in that it is slightly higher than the amount of protein in the daily menu. As soon as the weight drops to roughly normal levels, you should switch to the first, standard version.
Entering Ketosis
To start ketosis, you need to consume up to 20 grams of carbs a day, drink more water, and focus on fats. And it is necessary to completely eliminate sugar, including sweet fruits. It can take a harder path and start ketosis with several days of fasting, but it is a huge stress for the body, resulting in guaranteed nutritional and psychological breakdowns. Since you eat a lot of fatty and protein foods on a keto diet, constant thoughts about food will not haunt you.
Stages of ketosis entry
- 12-14 hours after the last meal, the body begins to burn the glucose that is already available.
- Over the next two days, the glycogen in the liver (also known as animal starch) is consumed, processed into glucose, which provides energy.
- When there is no longer a source of energy, the body uses proteins and fats.
- is finally the ketosis itself: “there will be no more carbs, ” our body thinks, and it gets used to taking energy from fatty acids.
What are nutrients
You will come across the word "nutrients" in any information about the keto diet. Nutrients are nutrients that are divided into macronutrients and micronutrients.
- fatty acids
- Carbohydrates (including fiber)
- water
- proteins
- Antioxidants
- vitamins
- minerals
Both and others play an important role in normal metabolism, which is why dietary supplements in the form of vitamin and mineral complexes are needed in the keto diet.
What you need to know about the Keto diet
- The fastest weight loss occurs in the first week - all the water accumulated in the body is "drained". Furthermore, weight loses more slowly, but the risk of returning after you finish your diet is low because you tend to go without carbs and less food, without sacrificing healthy daily calories.
- Since the ketogenic diet was originally developed as an aid in the treatment of various diseases, it does not harm the body, but, like any diet, it has contraindications.
What do you need to know about keto?
- One of the "bonuses" of this diet will be to improve and cleanse the skin.
- Pressure and mental state have stabilized.
- This diet is not recommended for too long because it is not in perfect balance.
- The keto diet is perfectly combined with "intermittent fasting", the result increases many times over, the weight goes away much faster.
- Consumption of high protein (more than 35%) can reduce ketone levels in the body.
Signs of ketosis
- Body odor and acetone odor in the mouth.
- Decreased blood sugar.
- When the body enters ketosis, it experiences fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, irritation. Your head may hurt. Overall, your condition will be similar to the flu. These signs go away in a few days as the body adapts to the new conditions.
- The great hunger disappears.
- Some people have had seizures, so to avoid them you need to buy supplements like sodium, magnesium. And drink more water.
Contraindications to the ketogenic diet
- Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
- Elevated cholesterol.
- Diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, thyroid gland.
Before starting your diet, you should consult a doctor and, above all, test.
What is categorically excluded from the keto diet
- Alcohol, coffee (except armored coffee);
- Anything that contains sugar;
- Starchy vegetables;
- Legumes;
- Bread, cakes.
What you can and should eat
Fish, seafood, meat (regardless of fat content), eggs (including scrambled eggs), broths, skimmed milk and sour milk products, vegetables, ham, bacon, nuts, herbs, pastes, peanut butter, mushrooms and so on, exceptfoods that are on the "harmful" list of the keto diet. It is very good to consume coconut oil.
A diet can lose about 5-8 pounds in a month, with some getting rid of more fat and water.
How to get rid of ketosis
To get out of ketosis, it is enough to eat carbohydrate foods, if this meal plan has become uncomfortable for you, or if the goal has already been achieved, you can simply stop following it.
Sample menu for a week
Day 1
- Breakfast: high-fat cheese, armored coffee.
- Lunch: fried mushrooms, vegetable salad.
- Dinner: "Men's Caprice" Salad.
Day 2
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs and bacon.
- Lunch: fatty pork chop, vegetables.
- Dinner: broth with a piece of meat.
Day 3
- Breakfast: cheesecake with sour cream.
- Lunch: fried fish, rice.
- Dinner: fried vegetables, fried bacon.
Day 4
- Breakfast: toast with butter and salmon, armored coffee.
- Lunch: mushroom cream soup.
- Dinner: pork steak.
Day 5
- Breakfast: avocado toast, cheese.
- Lunch: ham or bacon omelette.
- Dinner: chicken sausage, fermented fried milk, broth.
- Breakfast: yogurt with walnuts, avocado.
- Lunch: fat fish soup with brown rice.
- Dinner: buttered toast, boiled eggs.
Day 7
- Breakfast: cheesecake with sour cream or yogurt.
- Lunch: meat salad.
- Dinner: fish steak, fried vegetables.
If you don’t have enough main meals and you’re hungry, you can eat avocado, a handful of nuts and ryazhenka as a bite.
The keto diet is great for those who want to lose weight fast and without too many food restrictions, but it’s best to start consulting your doctor before you start.
Keto recipes
Keto - cocoa
In a glass of boiling water, mix 2 tablespoons of natural cocoa powder, add a slice of butter.
Keto Roast
- Pork, neck 1, 5 kg
- Bow 1 pc
- Sunflower oil 30 ml
- Delicious spices
- Cut the pork into medium pieces, fry until golden brown on a large flame
- Cut the onion into half rings and fry it with the pork
- Fill with boiling water so that it does not completely cover the meat. Add spices. Simmer for 1 to 1, 5 hours at low temperature
Keto breakfast
- Eggs 2 - 3 pieces
- Sunflower oil 10 ml
- Butter, small slice
- Raw smoked bacon 3-4 slices
- Tomato 1 pc
- Melting butter in a pan with sunflower oil
- Condense bacon until golden brown
- Add the tomatoes and simmer everything for 2-3 minutes
- Break the eggs into the pan
Nourishing Keto Breakfast Ready!
Keto sandwich
- Light salted salmon 2-3 slices
- High fat cheese 2 slices
- Avocado puree to taste
- Butter 2 - 3 pieces
Put butter, avocado and fish on top of a slice of cheese. Here is such a simple and healthy "sandwich".
Bacon Chicken
- Raw smoked bacon (slices)
- Chicken Leg Fillet
- Butter
- Sunflower oil
- Spices
- Lightly beat thigh fillets, add spices and a slice of butter to each piece
- Screw the fillet into a tube, wrap it with bacon and secure with a toothpick
- Lubricate the frying pan with sunflower oil, no regrets for the oil
- Put everything in a baking tray and oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve with fresh tomatoes and herbs
The keto diet is great for those who want to lose weight fast and without too many food restrictions, but it’s best to start consulting your doctor before you start.